Maunawili Out and Back - August 4 - Race Instructions

2018 Maunawili Out and Back (aka - Run with the Pigs)

Start/Finish Location:  Koolau Golf Course and First Presbyterian Church
(45-550 Kionaole Rd, Kaneohe, HI 96744
Saturday, August 4, 2018 - 6:00 a.m.


Race Start: Gates for the parking area may open at 5:30 a.m.  Last year, we were not allowed in until almost 6 am.  We will do our best to gain access around 5:30 am and be able to start the race on time.  Please be patient if we do not have access early enough to get everyone registered, marked, and running by 6:00.  You must park only in the last upper parking lot (see map). The course will officially close at 1:30 p.m. 


Route: See the route map below – there will be course marshalls on race morning to assist.  The turnaround/handoff for relays is the same location;
                      41-1020 Waikupanaha Street, Waimanalo, HI (map)


The course will be marked – PINK is the correct route; BLUE is bad. The start area and turn-around area will be marked.  For the 8.5 miles in the middle section of the trail, simply follow the trail and make no turns at intersections.  See the description below:

From the Koolau Golf Course, follow the abandoned road towards Kailua. There is a “Y” intersection about ½ mile after the start – bear right at the Y.  You will go under the Pali Highway, climb a ladder, and make a left onto the trail that connects to the Maunawii Demonstration Trail.  After descending about 8 stairs, turn right at the intersection and proceed along the Maunawili Trail.  Stay on the trail for 10 miles until you arrive at the trailhead on Waikuapanaha Street in Waimanalo where you will receive aid.  Return by retracing your steps.

The condition of the trail this year is a bit rough in spots.  Please take care in areas that have been washed out or are overgrown.  Stay safe out there!


Each runner MUST carry adequate water for the entire 11-mile stretch of hot and humid trail.  At least 60 ounces of fluids is recommended.  If you require calories during those 11 miles, carry something with you.  Make sure your bib number has been recorded at the turn-around point before leaving the aid station.  If you are doing the relay, this is your hand-off point.  


Rules of the Trails: If at any point, you decide to leave the course, you must notify the aid station captain (Neal), the Start/Finish captain (Marian) or John Salmonson.  Failure to officially notify your departure may result in unnecessary search and jeopardizing your participation in H.U.R.T. events.


Running etiquette:  Yield the trail to horses always.  Do not run past a horse - wait until it has safely passed before resuming your run.  Be kind to one another and other users of the trail.  Do not shortcut the trail and leave no trace!  Littering is strictly prohibited.


Finish festivities: Please stay a while to enjoy some food and stories.  The finish area will be closed up by 2:00 p.m.


Facilities: We will have a portable lua on-site.  We are prohibited from using Koolau Golf Course facilities – please stay in our designated parking area.  


Parking: Carpooling is encouraged if you will be parking in the parking lot at the start/finish.  Please follow the directions of volunteers in the morning.  There is no legal parking on Kionaole Road leading to the Koolau Golf Course and First Presbyterian Church.  If you park illegally, it is at your own risk.


Important: The Koolau Golf Course and First Presbyterian Church has been generous by allowing us to stage in their area, and we must abide by all of their requirements and be respectful.  


Thanks so much for your understanding and cooperation.  Please feel free to call
Marian (221-5171) or John (351-1453) with any concerns.

Maunawili Course           


Preview Run for Maunawili Out and Back - Saturday, July 28

Aloha runners:

The final preview of the Maunawili Out and Back run will be at 6:00 a.m. this Saturday, July 28.  If you are a novice piggie, and have not done the course before, it is advised that you join in for at least one preview.  If you are an experienced piglet, come join in the fun!

Park in the upper parking lot of the Koolau Golf Course.  Bring plenty of fluids and snacks.  There will be fluids available at the turn-around in Waimanalo for refilling your pack and bottles.  If you are planning to go one way, please make your transportation plans from the Waimanalo trailhead.

Please be prompt - we do our best to have an on-time departure.  Racingpigs

Looking forward to sharing some miles!
Marian and Neal (RDs)

Preview Run for Maunawili Out and Back - Saturday, July 14 at 6:00

Congratulations to Benita and Arvel for a great race out at Kaena Point!

Now it is time to get your Maunawili legs in shape so that you are ready to Run with the Pigs on August 4!    Pig Racing

The fabulous ultra-power couple, Donielle and Chris Wolfe, will be leading the first of two preview runs on July 14th at 6:00.  Meet them at the top parking lot at the Koolau Golf Course by 5:50 for a 6 am start.  If you are unfamiliar with the course, it is best to stay with someone who knows the course. 

The course will be the full distance (22 miles) to Waimanalo and back.  If you do not want to do the full distance, you may turn around at any point and return, or arrange for a ride to pick you up at the trailhead in Waimanalo.

You MUST carry enough water for at least 11 miles, and it can get really hot.  There will be a stash of water and snacks near the trailhead in Waimanalo.  It will be in a black rubbish bag - you will receive more detailed instructions regarding location at the morning start.  There should be enough for everyone to refill for the return trip. 

REMINDER: Friday is the final day to place your order for race t-shirts and trucker caps.  You may place your order here; then you will receive an invoice from Paypal.  You must pick up your gear at the start/finish before 2 pm on August 4.


Kaena Point Firecracker Final Results

Well, that was a Super Fun Day!!!!

With all the wind, the rain, rainbows, and sun, it looked like everyone had a GREAT time at another fantastic HURT event!!!

Benita and I would like to thank John and PJ for allowing us to represent the HURT by being the events race directors!!

IMG_2231We could not possibly get all this accomplished without all the incredible volunteers!!! Big Thanks to Jeff and Freddy helping with the preview runs while I was off island, all the course marshals that guided and encouraged our runners out and back (Jacki, Andy, Chad, Sandi, Myra, Chris, Donielle, Annie), our aid station TEAM (Carina, Jake, Chris, Yumi), our cooking, setup and tear down crew who arrive way to early and stay way to late (Ron and Betty, Mike C, Mike Y, Blaine, Liza, Sara, Gus, Kalani, Steve, Rosie, and Daintry.) Please forgive me if I missed any of you, however; again we all thank you so very much!!!!!

Thank you to all the runners who stayed the course, mostly, blue is always bad!  Thank you for your patience during the dual use of the trail for Zac’s Ride on your return trip. Your potluck food was amazing!

Click here for the results.

Photos to come soon!!!! 

Thank you all again so very much!!!!

Arvel and Benita

Kaena Point Firecracker Final Instructions, 7/7 @ 7am

When: 7 July 2018. Race starts at 7:00am.

Location: Kaena Point

2017-07-01-HURT-Kaena-Point-Firecracker-IMG_4012If not attending, please cancel your run in Ultrasignup. This will allow us to put others into the event so that a slot is not wasted.

When you arrive, please take direction from our volunteer Parking Czar….. There is NO parking allowed in the main lot; this is for our non-running park visitors. Please park where directed. There is also NO parking near the DLNR building access gate across from the parking lot, it will be coned off.  Additionally, NO dogs or other pets are allowed at the event or at the park.

Please plan to arrive no later than 6:45am to ensure you can get checked in with John and PJ.

Carry at least a 20 oz. water bottle, it may be hot on your way back and you should have water with you!! We also recommend a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, post-run change of clothes, a good attitude and a large Smile :)

Our event will share the trail with all local and visiting tourists, and there is a concurrent event for bicyclists who will be starting at 8:00am from Camp Eardman and riding to the Yokahama Bay area on the same trail system we use. Please be courteous to others out on the trail.

Our event is an Independence Day (4th of July) themed event, and we encourage you to wear festive attire!!! This is also a “Pot Luck” style affair, so please bring something to share…..

We recommend you check the weather the night before and plan accordingly……. We have had some very hot days with vog recently, so a change of clothes and some slippers may help you relax and enjoy the post-run gathering.

There will be a small aid station on the Yokahama side, mostly to top-off your handheld water bottle and maybe a small snack……there will be numerous Course Marshalls and other volunteers, please thank them and be nice to each other out on the trail.

2017-07-01-HURT-Kaena-Point-Firecracker-IMG_4011We hope you have a GREAT time and enjoy this unique corner of our Island!!


Arvel and Benita

Kaena Point Firecracker 10+ Preview Runs!!!

Please join us for a preview of the July 7th, 2018 running of the HURT Trail Series Firecracker 10 Miler!!

We will have preview runs on June 23 and 30, 2018.

We will start running at 6:30 AM from the race start point on the North Shore side and run the course to the turn around on the Waianae side and back (or shorter if you want)!!

Map Link:,-158.2372,226m/data=!3m1!1e3

  • It will be hot, there is no on-course support for the preview so bring plenty of water to run 10 miles.
  • A hat/visor, sunglasses, and sunscreen are recommended.
  • Have a small cooler for after to help recover, and a chair if you want to hang out or dip your feet in the ocean, and a change of clothes for after. 
  • This will also afford you an opportunity for photo taking of this beautiful part of the island (the photo above shows me on top of the rock before the finish line and is looking in the direction you will be running).

We Hope you all can join us!!!!

If you have any questions about the preview or the run, please feel free to contact me or Benita.

Benita Shults 910-574-7061, [email protected] & Arvel Shults 910-574-6592, [email protected]

Happy Trails!!!

Arvel, RD


“So, did you have fun?” My husband always asks when I return from a race. My answer usually is something like, “Well…I finished.” Saturday’s race was HURT’s Mango Madness 10++ miles. And for me, at 46, the point of running is to keep going into my wiser, better years. To finish or drop dead during. (I’ll try not to drop dead during a HURT race, Jeff, Jacque, Freddy, and Melanie.)

I thought about the “fun” question after cleaning up and caffeinating. I like seeing John and PJ first thing when they check me in. I enjoy getting sweaty and dirty with friends. I appreciate the enthusiastic race marshals who smile, ring cow bells, and encourage FOR HOURS. The thoughtfully prepared food and beautiful, hand-crafted medals were heartwarming.

However, going up and down Triple Trek’s lower loop 2-1/2 times and Concrete Road twice is not fun. It is an exercise in grit and perseverance. Zigzagging through cones to the finish line seems almost cruel. This time, after 4+ hours I did not have to zig, but I have zagged to the finish before. One year I put my forehead on a baseball bat handle and spun in a circle before crossing the finish line. Each challenge squeezes a smile out of me!

At home, after hugging my kids and settling down, there is only thankfulness:

  • For my health and circumstance that allow me to run,
  • For the HURT Ohana who direct and support the races,
  • For the Hawaiian trail system that offers so much.

Okay, trail running is pretty fun. But fun is not the right word to describe how I feel afterwards. They are Joy and Gratitude. So I will smile at Freddie when he tells me to go up Pipes again because I am truly happy to be there.


--Wendi Lau
“Every day is a new opportunity to move.”

We Definitely Put the Madness in Mango

35051877_10216587668187445_5764884574194630656_o 35051877_10216587668187445_5764884574194630656_o

What a morning! A hard, hilly course was dished out and our racers were up for the challenge! Most were smiling as we were wondering, "Did we make it hard enough?" 

In all seriousness, the participants were amazing! The volunteers were the BEST around. Motivating runners, helping them throughout the course, and guiding them in the right direction.

It takes months of planning and 'research' of our own to create a new course each year. If you'd like to run the course, here are the directions. Start at Archie Baker Mini Park, proceed up the road to the Hawaii Nature Center. Take the left side trail to the bathrooms, then go clockwise on the lower loop (Kanealole to Makiki Valley Trail and down Maunalaha). REPEAT TWICE. Take a third trip up Kanealole then continue left up to Nahuina trail for a double up/down concretes to the pillbox. Finally back down Nahuina and Kanealole to finish at the park. 12 miles and over 4,000 feet in elevation.

Homemade, handpainted medals were given to every finisher as well as prizes for the top ten males and females. And let us not forget "King/Queen of the Mountain". This year's highest point of the course was the Tantalus pillbox. The titles went to Matt Hause of Kailua, Oahu AND Bree Wee of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. They were also our overall winners.

Food and refreshments awaited our runners as well as our 2nd annual Kona Shave Ice Truck! Well worth the $15 race fee, we'd say!

All results can be found here:

Photos by Kalani Pascual can be found here:

Thanks again all! We can't wait until next year!


~Melanie Decker Koehl

(A special thanks to my co-RD Jacque Tellei)



Mango Madness: Final Race Instructions

What an incredible turnout we had for the preview that was advertised as a non-preview! Thank you everyone for coming out!

The race is this Saturday, June 9th and will start and finish at Archie Baker Mini Park at 7am. It is the triangular-shaped park at the corner of Makiki Street and Makiki Heights Drive. Please arrive giving yourself ample time to park. The race is at capacity and we expect a good crowd!

There will be one aid station on the course, so please be prepared for a hard 10+++ mile run. Wear a hydration pack and carry your nutrition of choice. We will have Gatorade, water, bananas, watermelon, and oranges. However, at the finish line we will have tons of food as well as our 2nd annual Kona Ice Shave Ice Truck. So work up an appetite!

It will be an exciting race to see who claims King/Queen of the Mountain! The top ten males and females will also claim amazing prizes. And finally, each and every finisher will receive a handmade, handpainted medal. 

We love what we do and we look forward to torturing you at Mango Madness! See you Saturday!







Mango Madness Preview (not really), June 2

MM2018StickerAs we all know, Mango Madness is an undisclosed course. We work hard to come up with a challenging 10-12 miler and we work even harder to keep it a secret! Please join us on June 2nd at 6am to get a maybe-kinda-sorta glimpse of the Mango Madness course. Count on six miles and a lot of fun. We will be meeting in the Nature Center parking lot. A few of us are going out afterwards to get some extra miles. Run with us if you have the time! See you then.

-Melanie, RD

(Jacque RD will be there, too!)

Mango Madness Preview Run 6/2


We're getting the course down and the prizes set! It's almost time for Mango Madness! Until then, keep practicing your hill work :-) We plan to only do one preview run. It will be on Saturday, June 2 at 6AM starting from the Nature Center parking lot. Since the course is always different and undisclosed, we will be doing a 7-mile run that will cover some of the race course. Please bring water and a snack. Jacque and I will see you then!

LAST CHANCE for gear: This Friday we stop taking orders for the Mango Madness shirts, tanks, and trucker hats. See the previous post for links to purchase. And remember to enter "OAHU" at checkout to pick up at the race. Mahalo!

-Melanie, RD


Mango Madness Shirts, Tanks, and Truckers


Next up on the HURT Trail Series calendar is Mango Madness! We always do a custom shirt and hat to accompany the theme of the awards, and this year is no exception. Below are the links to purchase. Orders will be taken until May 18th. Enter OAHU at checkout for free shipping and to pick up on race day. See you June 9! ~Melanie, RD