Mahalo and Happy Holidays!

Photo by: Steph Kuwaye

Mahalo to all the awesome volunteers and Oahu Na Ala Hele for coming out this past weekend to work on the trails! Great results for all the efforts put in! Improvements along Kalawahine & Manoa Cliff trails make them almost highways! Was great having old & new friends working together! Hoping to setup another trail maintenance day soon. Happy holidays everyone!

Jeff F.

Photo by Melanie Decker Koehl
Photo by Steph Kuwaye


Aloha friends, family, and all-around wonderful supporters:

Three aid stations that support runners of the H.U.R.T. 100 Trail Run are in need of volunteers for race that is taking place on Saturday, January 16 to Sunday, January 17.  The aid stations are located at the Makiki Nature Center, Vol4










Nuuanu Jackass Ginger trailhead, Vol2









and at Manoa's Paradise Park. Vol3  Volunteer times and duties vary at each aid station.  Please know that your help is not only greatly appreciated by the coordinators of each aid station, but more importantly by the 125 runners that are trying to complete one of the world's most difficult 100-mile races. The HURT 100 could not happen without voluminous volunteer support. 

Contact information is as follows:

Nature Center - PJ Salmonson

Nuuanu - Jeff Fong

Paradise Park - Marian Yasuda

Thank you so much for being so generous!  Aloha!


Final Plea - missing aid station supplies

Yey! Nature Center aid station now has parking Nazi's covered both days (Barbi and Rob Lahoe), as well as  coffee gophers (Jessie Faige & Tara O'Neill) - Thank you!!!
This is one last plea for our aid station supplies (mostly aimed at HURT Trail series Race Directors - please everybody look in your storage areas - We are missing the shallow green bin with all of the kitchen utensils I've collected over the years, as well as some white Costco tables. The only table we have left over here is the folding one Julie donated a couple years ago. Please let me know if you have any of this stuff. I'll need to shop for replacements by Monday.
Thanks everybody! 
351-1453 or email: [email protected]

Want to earn some kukui nuts for the 2016 HURT 100? Coffee gopher and parking nazi needed!

Hey everybody,

Barbie McAllaster was kind enough to volunteer for the parking nazi on Friday afternoon, for the Mandatory Runners' meeting.

So we still need a good soul to handle parking for an hour and a half Saturday morning, at the Nature Center, 4:15 am. That will give you enough time to run up and see the start. Also, for the sake of us spending a day and a half working the three aid stations, we will be desperate for coffee to help us stay awake.

Help! Can somebody take care of us, and pick up coffee at Manoa Starbucks, 7:30pm Saturday, and then 5am Sunday? Don't forget, volunteer work wins you kukui nuts for next year's race (oh no, not that!)


351-1453 or email: [email protected]

Kokua Day: Trail maintenance volunteering

Aloha trail runners!!!

This Saturday, January 10, we will be working with Na Ala Hele (NAH) to perform various types of work on the Tantalus and Nu'uanu trails in preparation for the big event in two weeks. We will be meeting up at the Na Ala Hele offices/base yard at 7am (just up the driveway past the Nature Center) to sign waivers, get instruction, and pack equipment before heading up to the areas of work. Those wishing to partipate should be able to willing to do put in a good day's amount of manual labor as we will be hiking in from the trail heads (and back out) with tools as well as performing the necessary trail work (i.e., vegetation clearance, trail widening).

If you would like to volunteer in this effort, please contact me ([email protected]) by the morning of Thursday, January 8, as we need to get a approximate number of people NAH. Volunteers shoud bring water and snacks/energy as well as wear appropriate clothing (i.e., old pants, shirts, hiking/trail shoes). We should be finished and back at the Nature Center by about 1:30/2pm.

Mahalo for your support!!


Volunteers Needed at Nature Center

Aloha Athletes,

For those of you thinking about helping out at the HURT 100 who may not have signed up yet, PJ is still looking for a few volunteers to assist at the Nature center in the following roles:

  • Parking attendant Friday afternoon 1/16 from 12:30 to 2pm, to direct people to the lower parking lot, or outside the park on Makiki Hgts Dr.,  for the Mandatory Runners' Mtg.
  • Parking attendant Saturday morning at 4:15 am to 5:45 am, to keep runners' cars from coming up to the Nature Center.
  • A gopher to pick up coffee at the Manoa Starbucks at 7:30 pm Saturday, and deliver to the 3 aid stations, and then again at 5:00- 5:30 am Sunday.

 Any good souls willing to help should email PJ directly at [email protected].



Volunteer Shirts, Runner's Shirts sizing and Lost & Found

If there are any volunteers that didn't get a shirt, please call / email  PJ. 351-1453/ [email protected].
I will bring some shirts to Hoomaluhia tomorrow.
Likewise, I'll bring the Runner's shirts if anyone wants to try and exchange sizes.
Somehow I ended up with 3 pairs of trail shoes- don't have a clue where they came from....anybody?
Also, Gary Robbins left a single Black Diamond walking pole in a black mesh and nylon bag that had somehow ended up with his gear. Let us know if you are missing one. 

Robert & Sharon's Photos from the 2014 HURT100

Well, this year was particularly challenging for me personally.  Between my Crohn’s related health challenges and some unexpected and rather frustrating photography equipment technical challenges this certainly wasn’t my finest performance.  Thankfully there were several other dedicated photographers out there working hard to capture the memories for as many of the runners, pacers, crew & volunteers alike.  I plan to come back next year much healthier and better prepared but then again who doesn’t?

Enough babble, on with the show.  Here’s about 600 of my best images from this year.  Happy viewing!

Health & Happiness,

Robert P Smith

You can click on any photo for a larger view and manually scroll through the photos.

If you prefer to view it as a slideshow just use the following link:

How to Follow the HURT 100 this Weekend

Aloha Athletes,

We know most of you will be out at the HURT 100 this weekend. For many it is the culmination of months of training, for others you will be there volunteering at an aid station, serving as a pacer or safety patrol. However if you can't get out, you have a couple of options. 

You can follow live tracking of runners via

Another option this year is to watch live via

Ultrasportslive will have camera's set up at all three aid stations. I am not sure if they will be out on the course at other locations or not. 

Of course I am sure there will be Facebook updates and Twitter tweets as well. Use the hastag #HURT100.

For the last several years the HURT 100 course has been relatively dry. This year we might have a bit more mud given the rain over the last few days. 

So get out there if you can and support the race. We got an incredible field of runners this year and they would love your support. 

Aloha, Bob

Running the Night Jan 3rd 2014

Leaving from Paradise Park around 5pm for a night crawl.  Likely last long run, so slow and steady (and safe).  Plan for a loop plus repeat.  Parking below the bus stop on Manoa Rd.  Lights, food, umbrella (jk) and good attitude.  Come for a few miles, a few hours or less.  If you need to start earlier or later, feel free and we'll connect on the trails.  Aloha - Paul S.

REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS 2014 HURT100 Race, Nature Center, Start-Finish Line

The Hawaiian Ultra Running Team (HURT), is putting on the fourteenth annual 100 mile trail race on Jan. 18 and 19th.  We start at the Makiki Nature Center on Sat at 6am. The cut-off is Sunday, 6pm.

My husband, John, and I, are organizing the start-finish line aid station, and putting together our team of volunteers again. We will also have a contingent of volunteers from Tripler, thanks to Joel Jenkins.

Basically our volunteers help prepare aid station food- fruit, sandwiches, cookies, soups- and keep levels of the water and Gatorade coolers full. Volunteers also greet the runners as they come in, and cater to their every needs- help them get to their drop bag, fill their water bottles, show them where the food it, cheer them on! etc.

After the 6am start, the runners start coming back into our aid station late Saturday morning, from the first of five 20 mile loops. The route is Nature Center- Paradise Park- Nuuanu Jackass Ginger- Nature Center, via the trails. They run throughout the night, and some right up to 6 pm Sunday.

Half of our runners are from the mainland, Canada, China, & Japan, Iceland, Russia, Chili, Australia, Germany this year. It is inspiring to watch them come in and out of our aid station, and rewarding to help them get through a grueling race.

We are looking to fill the following shifts with about three-four volunteers each shift:

·         Sat     10 am to 4 pm    lot of food prep and kitchen set up for the duration

·         Sat     4 pm to 10pm-    the usual runner assistance

·         Sat     10 pm to Sun 4 am           "

·         Sun     4am to 10 am                  "

·         Sun     10 am to 5 pm                 "

·         Sun      5 pm to 7 pm  tear-down and clean-up

Other miscellaneous jobs include:

·         1 pm Friday for the Mandatory Runner's Mtg- parking nazi for 2 hours, at entrance to Nature Center

·         4:15 am Saturday, parking Nazi at entrance to Nature Center, until 5:45 am

·         7 am to 10 am- help with aid station set-up (organize runner's drop bags)

·         5:30 am- set up glow lights along beginning of trail for the start

·         An aid station volunteer to replace PJ (out on special duty) for about 5 hours, some time middle of the night

·         on- call gofers,  any time

If you wish to volunteer, please email PJ at [email protected], or call me at 351-1453 to I can schedule you in.   Many thanks, PJ Salmonson


The HURT 100-Mile Endurance Run

Aloha Athletes,

NEW HURT LOGOIn case you have been off line, in a cave, or under the weather, this weekend is the HURT 100. Many of you are either running the race, volunteering at the race, pacing a runner, or in some way helping out. If you are not, come on out and help cheer on the runners, lend a hand and see what you are missing. More info is on the HURT 100 Trail Race site.

For those who can't get out to the race, live updates will be posted here from UltraLive.Net.

You can also find updates on Twitter with the hashtag: #HURT100 via @HURTHawaii

I am sure people will be posting to Facebook as well. 

Best of luck to all the runners. See you out there!

Aloha, Bob